She rests during the winter and makes her appearance on the land just before spring breaks, thus the story of the ground hog is really a story of the goddess. When the little ground hog peeks out of his burrow close to springtime, to find he has no shadow, it is because the long shadow of the smiling goddess looking down on him blocks out the early spring sun.
Here are 5 practices that can be done this time of year with special awareness of dear Brigid’s blessing on your life and work.
As the goddess of smith craft, Brigid, the modern goddess who used to watch over the production of horseshoes, would most certainly bless our current modes of transportation. Create a ritual for your car before you take it in for its oil change. Perhaps smudge it in and out with sacred sage smoke or simply light a candle within and ask Brigid for protection and guidance. Realize that the auto workers are realizing their life purpose by working on your car. Remember, anything can become sacred practice.
Reciting memorized poems is almost a lost art, but a very traditional way of honoring Brigid. Memorize one of your favorites or create a sacred chant for yourself to recite as you exercise. What is ideal is to create a chant that is so catchy that it begins to sing itself in your mind. Here are some silly and sweet words to the tune of Heigh Ho from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves:
I know; I know
That Brigid loves me so.
She heals the past and holds me fast.
I know; I know.
This is the season that our ancestors blessed the seeds they were going to plant when spring thawed the land. It is also the perfect time for us to become specific about our intentions for the year. You can even write your goals on a big seed, like a fava bean, or on a bulb and plant them. Know that the same energy that grows the bean stalk or the iris grows your intentions and goals. Ask Brigid to bless your fertile dreams as you plant.
This was the time of year that our ancestors repaired the farm equipment, oiled it, and made it ready for planting season. It is, therefore, the perfect time for us to ask Brigid’s blessing on the tools of our trade, whether they be computers and telephones, or spades and wheelbarrows. Assemble the tools of your trade with some water that you have left on an open windowsill overnight for Brigid to bless. Carefully, sprinkle the water over your work items and ask Brigid to bless your tools, to inspire you to great work this year, and to make your path to success straight and well lit.
Our ancestors believed that Brigid walked on the land around February 1st. They extinguished their home fire on the night of February 1st and opened a door to let Brigid in to bless the home. They especially looked for a disturbance in the hearth ashes to signify that Brigid had truly been there. The house was then cleaned and a new fire lit to begin the new season. In many places at this time of year there is at least one nice, sunny day to open the doors and windows and let in some fresh air. What an inspiration to do a little spring cleaning, with Brigid’s help.