I think the ancient pantheons had it right. If you have a deity in charge of some specific area of earthly life, a seeker can contact that one in charge of their issue, and have some certainty that they are working with a specialist. I see all the gods and goddesses of antiquity as remembrances of the ultimate, sacred One, with a pathway into Infinity and, also, a pathway into my heart. They are easier for me to work with than trying to connect with the Ultimate Unformed Substance and I like to use the personal pronouns, he, she, him, and her so much better than It.
At this time of year, my roses are just beginning to send up their beautiful, shiny, infant red leaves. It is the perfect time to invite the great god Pan into my garden to bless the new growth. I also invite Demeter to add her loving energy to the growth and health of all my flowers and shrubs. This year I am having a Garden Wake-up Party. We will sing the garden awake and honor the gods and goddesses of the plant kingdom. The result will be breathtaking, as it is each year. You too can invite any deity or archetype to assist you with any endeavor. Seekers have done it for thousands of years, so there must be something to it.
With some practice you can actually ask a god or goddess to inhabit you and live through you. There is a story of a trial in ancient Greece in which a priestess of Aphrodite was accused of impersonating the goddess, a very serious offense. The lawyer, Hyperides, knew that logic could not win the case for himself and his client. In an unconventional defense, he asked his client to disrobe in the witness box; the strategy worked. The jurors became absolutely entranced and declared that the true presence of Aphrodite was the only possible explanation for such beauty. So, how about you? Could you use Athena, for example, in creating a business plan which benefited everyone? Would the skill of Hera heal a rift in your marriage? Could Poseidon help in a sailing expedition, or in teaching a child to swim? Or would your love life improve with Aphrodite expressing through you? All the gods and goddesses of ancient pantheons brought their followers to great depth and faith. They are here for us, too.